How much does IUI increase the chances of pregnancy?

How Much Does IUI Increase the Chances of Pregnancy? IUI is an abbreviated form of Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, which is a fertility treatment in which sperm is implanted directly into a woman’s uterus. Sperm must drift from your vagina by your cervix, into your womb, and your fallopian tubes during a natural conception. The fact is only five per cent of sperm is capable of travelling from your vagina to your womb. Your ovary sends an egg to both of your fallopian tubes after it is released. This is where the egg and sperm come together and fertilisation takes place. IUI collects, washes, and concentrates sperm to ensure that just high-quality sperm remains. This sperm specimen is inserted promptly into your womb via a Catheter (narrow tube), near your fallopian tubes. Intrauterine insemination makes it simpler for sperm to reach an egg because it reduces the amount of time and distance it must travel. This raises your chances of getting pregnant. IUI is frequently used by healthcare providers before more intrusive and costly fertility treatment options. IUIs can be done with either your partner’s sperm or donor sperm. Fertility drugs can be used to ensure that

Fertility Health Checkup

It’s really important that women have all the facts about fertility and age, so they can make informed choices about their lives and their health. Paying attention to recent scenario of late marriages, postponing the child birth, job stress, pollution, life style changes, adulteration, smoking, drinking, traffic, and multimedia, it is important for all the girls and women to get at least their fertility Health check done to know their fertility status and hence take timely action. Sometimes girls don’t get their partners or match for marriage or they want to postpone their childbirth due to unavoidable circumstances. They can at least know how is their fertility biological clock ticking? The important tests which need to be done are: AMH Our “reproductive life” begins when we get our first period, usually around age 12 or so, and lasts until our last menstrual period some four decades later (that’s menopause). But because egg count and egg quality decline as we age, we don’t remain fertile for the entirety of this timespan. It’s not like our fertility drops off a cliff at age 35; fertility decline happens throughout our adult lives. But fertility decline is a snowball effect—meaning as we age, not

Coping with Stress of Infertility

Coping with Stress of Infertility Coping with emotional stress associated with infertility is very important as it drifts apart the couple and leave them completely shattered. This  comes from both the inside and out. It could be family, peer group, friends, relatives, colleagues and even sometimes strangers. The couple is repeatedly reminded that the “clock is ticking” The stress even rises in cosmopolitan cities where late marriages , postponing the child birth, life style, pollution, work pressure , etc. predisposes . The relationship may be further strained by the actual process of trying to conceive. Scheduling sex for ovulation can make intimacy feel chore-like. Studies have found timing sexual intercourse to conceive may lead to problems with sexual performance, for men, and a decrease in overall sexual satisfaction, for both men and women. Trying to get pregnant can have a tremendous emotional impact and may affect every aspect of your life. There are number of things you can do when you find the stress overwhelming. These are the ways to cope with stress of infertility Relaxation One of the important factor which causes infertility is hormonal imbalance as most of the hormones are liberated from brains. More you think about infertility, there

How Meditation Improves Fertility

How Meditation Improves Fertility The feelings of inadequacy in a couple makes them feel disconnected from rest of the world and each other at a time when they need support more than ever. Research shows that mindfulness and meditation practices can enhance compassion and kindness and can save husband and wife from a lot of arguments and misunderstandings. Meditation Increases Compassion. It is  really hard on oneself  during their fertility journey and the constant feature which is observed in these couple is to  blame their body for not working properly and blame their mind for not being smart enough to figure out the solutions to their infertility. While practicing meditation, it is noticed that they are more gentle with themselves and therefore others. Studies back this up with data that shows that meditation is associated with self-compassion, stress management and having more positive inner dialogue. Feedback from various couples undergoing fertility treatment have shown that they felt much better and balanced when they practiced meditation during their fertility treatment. Therefore, the patients should start doing anything more mindfully, for example, when they’re out walking, they should focus on what they see, hear and smell, rather than replaying their last cycle in their

How to Increase Low Testosterone

How to Increase Low Testosterone? Biologically speaking, testosterone is the primary reason why we often use the phrase “men will be men”. The hormone plays a key role in the development of the male reproductive system as well as other characteristics that we define as masculine. Most healthy, active adolescent boys and adult males produce sufficient testosterone to ensure healthy bodily functions, though the hormone level may begin to drop after the age of 25-30 years. Yet many adults look for ways to boost their testosterone. They do not need to “enhance” testosterone levels unless certain medical conditions require it. These could be low thyroid function, cancer, chemotherapy and chronic disease which can also lead to reduction in testosterone production. These are special cases where doctors may prescribe testosterone therapy. Apart from this, I do not recommend taking testosterone supplements and the so called “testosterone enhancers” or “testosterone boosters”. Instead, you can look for natural ways to improve your testosterone. What Does Testosterone Do?  Testosterone plays a very important role in the development of the male body. These include: In the womb: Testosterone is required for the development of testes, the male reproductive system and even some regions of the brain