Assisted Laser Hatching
We can use “embryo surgery” called zona drilling or assisted hatching to “soften” the shell of the embryo ( Laser Hatching Video ) . This helps to increase pregnancy rates by improving implantation rates, since embryo hatching is facilitated.
- In the past, this was done using acid (acid Tyrode’s) , but this can damage the embryo.
- Today, we can precisely create an opening in the zona safely and effectively with the use of a laser.
Indications for Laser Assisted Hatching
- Those patients who have IVF or ICSI who are over 37 years
- Patients having Frozen Embryo transfer.
- Patients who have had a previous failed IVF or ICSI treatment cycle
- Patients undergoing IVF/ICSI for the first time, who are considered poor responders because they have required a high dose of gonadotrophins for poor ovarian response
- Patients who in an earlier IVF cycle have had a low fertilisation rate, for example, less than one third of the embryos achieving fertilsation
- Patients with three or less embryos
- Patients who request laser assisted hatching and are fully informed of its use and function