How much does IUI increase the chances of pregnancy?
How Much Does IUI Increase the Chances of Pregnancy? IUI is an abbreviated form of Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, which is a fertility treatment in which sperm is implanted directly into a woman’s uterus. Sperm must drift from your vagina by your cervix, into your womb, and your fallopian tubes during a natural conception. The fact is only five per cent of sperm is capable of travelling from your vagina to your womb. Your ovary sends an egg to both of your fallopian tubes after it is released. This is where the egg and sperm come together and fertilisation takes place. IUI collects, washes, and concentrates sperm to ensure that just high-quality sperm remains. This sperm specimen is inserted promptly into your womb via a Catheter (narrow tube), near your fallopian tubes. Intrauterine insemination makes it simpler for sperm to reach an egg because it reduces the amount of time and distance it must travel. This raises your chances of getting pregnant. IUI is frequently used by healthcare providers before more intrusive and costly fertility treatment options. IUIs can be done with either your partner’s sperm or donor sperm. Fertility drugs can be used to ensure that