How much does IUI increase the chances of pregnancy?

How Much Does IUI Increase the Chances of Pregnancy? IUI is an abbreviated form of Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, which is a fertility treatment in which sperm is implanted directly into a woman’s uterus. Sperm must drift from your vagina by your cervix, into your womb, and your fallopian tubes during a natural conception. The fact is only five per cent of sperm is capable of travelling from your vagina to your womb. Your ovary sends an egg to both of your fallopian tubes after it is released. This is where the egg and sperm come together and fertilisation takes place. IUI collects, washes, and concentrates sperm to ensure that just high-quality sperm remains. This sperm specimen is inserted promptly into your womb via a Catheter (narrow tube), near your fallopian tubes. Intrauterine insemination makes it simpler for sperm to reach an egg because it reduces the amount of time and distance it must travel. This raises your chances of getting pregnant. IUI is frequently used by healthcare providers before more intrusive and costly fertility treatment options. IUIs can be done with either your partner’s sperm or donor sperm. Fertility drugs can be used to ensure that

Egg-freezing, so you get pregnant when you want to

June 30, 2020 (IANSlife) With the change in lifestyle patterns, educational or career demands, delayed marriages, rise in corporate stress, some women, for various reasons, choose to get married and get pregnant later in life. In recent years, a social trend toward delaying childbearing has been observed in women of reproductive age. Many women also choose to be single because they have not yet found a partner. As a consequence, by the time they decide to conceive or have children, it’s at an age is when their fertility is likely to have declined. One of the most novel medical advances available now is through fertility preservation techniques that can be obtained through so-called “social egg freezing”. The credit for this goes to a few significant changes like openness in society, awareness about the changing trends, and importantly, women themselves. With more women choosing to have careers, we’re seeing more of them consciously adopting egg freezing as a welcomed lifestyle choice – as a need of the hour. Dr. Beena Muktesh, Clinical Director – Fertility, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Gurgaon explains all about social egg freezing. What is social egg freezing? Social egg-freezing is a method to preserve a woman’s ovarian reserve

Dads-to-be: How age can affect fertility and the baby’s health

Advances in assisted reproductive technology (ART) have provided renewed hope to older parents who want to grow their family but are experiencing fertility issues. By Dr Beena Muktesh Fertility, as it relates to advanced age, is becoming increasingly common as more couples defer having children to later stages of life. A woman’s age plays a key role in her ability to get pregnant, but often many of us tend to ignore the fact that the dad’s age is equally important. A woman’s age has long been heralded as the primary factor affecting a couple’s ability to conceive, but is it true that Father Time is always on a man’s side? Does a man’s age affect his ability to produce offspring and are there any implications for the child? In short, does a dad’s age matter? Societal pressures are partly to be blamed for the trend of couples delaying childbearing well into their mid- to late-thirties. Careers and educational aspirations, along with an increased life expectancy and the nearly ubiquitous use of contraception, have decreased birth rates and increased parental age at first childbirth. Does a man’s age affect fertility? Here is the reason why People are marrying later, focusing on

How a man’s age affects his fertility and his baby’s health

Fertility, in men of advanced age, is becoming an increasing threat as more couples are choosing to defer having children at later stages of their life. A woman”s age plays a key role in her ability to get pregnant, but often many of us tend to ignore the fact that a mans age is equally important. A woman’s age has long been heralded as the primary factor affecting a couple’s ability to conceive, but is it true time is always on Dad’s side? Does a man’s age affect his ability to produce offsprings and are there any implications for the child? In short, does a man’s age matter? IANSlife spoke to Dr. Beena Muktesh, Clinical Director – Fertility, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Gurgaon to get the answers. Does a man’s age affect fertility? Muktesh: People are marrying later, focusing on advancing their careers before considering having children, optionally deciding to have children later in life. Advances in assisted reproductive technology (ART) have provided renewed hope to older parents who want to grow their family but are experiencing fertility issues. Older men tend to have older partners. Female fertility starts to decline after the age of 30, dropping more sharply after

Discussion on Women’s Health

Publication: Dainik Bhaskar Spokesperson: Dr Beena Muktesh, Clinical Director Fertility at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Gurgaon Date: 9th March, 2017 Other Sources: Amar Bharti, Navbharat Times, Hindustan